Jacob's Musical Car Charm Chime

Angel - magnetic.png
Be the Change - magnetic.png
Butterfly - magnetic.png
cat - magnetic.png
daisy - magnetic.png
dolpin - magnetic.png
dragonfly - magnetic.png
Dream Big - magnetic.png
elephant - magnetic.png
fairy - magnetic.png
heart - magnetic.png
humming bird - magnetic.png
Just Breathe - magnetic.png
elephant - magnetic.png
lady bug - magnetic.png
land turtle - magnetic.png
mermaid - magnetic.png
owl - magnetic.png
paw - magnetic.png
peace symbol - magnetic.png
sea turtle - magnetic.png
star - car chime.png
sun - magnetic.png
The Journey - magnetic.png
tree of life - magnetic.png
Angel - magnetic.png
Be the Change - magnetic.png
Butterfly - magnetic.png
cat - magnetic.png
daisy - magnetic.png
dolpin - magnetic.png
dragonfly - magnetic.png
Dream Big - magnetic.png
elephant - magnetic.png
fairy - magnetic.png
heart - magnetic.png
humming bird - magnetic.png
Just Breathe - magnetic.png
elephant - magnetic.png
lady bug - magnetic.png
land turtle - magnetic.png
mermaid - magnetic.png
owl - magnetic.png
paw - magnetic.png
peace symbol - magnetic.png
sea turtle - magnetic.png
star - car chime.png
sun - magnetic.png
The Journey - magnetic.png
tree of life - magnetic.png

Jacob's Musical Car Charm Chime


Jacob's Musical Car Charms will soothe and relax as you navigate the busy highways of life. Chime maker Jacob Sokoloff hand tunes these car chimes to produce a musical sound guaranteed to make you smile. With its cute cardboard "Beetle," it's the ideal gift! 

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